Depression feels like a vortex in which you are left alone to handle feelings of loneliness, despair, sadness, guilt, and regret.

You may vacillate between feeling overwhelmingly sad and feeling numb…

Between desperately wanting to connect with others and wanting to be left completely alone…

Between lying awake at night and wanting to stay in bed all day…

Oftentimes it feels like there is no hope when you have depression, but if you are reading this then you do have some hope… and we can use that in psychotherapy. 

I am trained in two types of therapies found to be effective for treating depression, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical-behavior therapy (DBT). Using these forms of psychotherapy, we will work together to identify what contributes to your depression, what worsens or lessens it, and what motivates you so that you can move forward, find solutions, and feel good about your choices.

In therapy, I help my clients with depression address:

❃ Reduced motivation at work, school, home, in relationships, etc.

❃ Disconnection from friends and family members

❃ Difficulty concentrating and/or always second-guessing yourself

❃ A sense of hopelessness or despair, like your effort is always pointless

❃ Feelings of guilt or regret that dominate your thoughts and keep you stuck

❃ A lost sense of self, as if you are living without purpose

❃ Lack of confidence and self-esteem, the feeling that nothing you do is ever good enough

While our work will always focus on the treatment goals you identify, my goal is that therapy helps you find joy, pleasure and hope again.

…that you will confidently live with purpose and meaning

…that you will feel good about your decisions

…that you will know how to love and accept yourself through mistakes

…that you will feel complete both in and out of relationships

…that you choose relationships not because they are easy, but because they enhance your livelihood.

Depression feels like an overwhelming problem to solve, but CBT and DBT psychotherapy can help. To find out more, schedule a free phone consultation with me below.


Sometimes the bad things that happen to us in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us.
— Nicole Reed