Once you are able to accept yourself for who you are and be more compassionate and loving towards yourself, you’re better able to do the same for others.

So often, as women, we overlook our own needs in order to support others. This can build resentment, burnout, anxiety, loneliness, and overwhelming stress. It also brings a sense of loss, like your original meaning and purpose has been co-opted and now you’re not sure how to find direction in life.

You know something must change, but you feel stuck and unsure where to find support.

I’m Melissa Millian Katz, a licensed clinical social worker, wife, and mother. I’ve been there, too, and I know that psychotherapy can make a profound difference in helping you create the life you really want. 

My training in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical-Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is especially effective for women seeking psychotherapy for help…

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Establishing a sense of purpose and identity

It can be frightening to let yourself think about your purpose and identity, because what if it looks different than the life you have now? Evaluating your goals and desires in therapy, outside of your current role as wife, mother, daughter, etc., will give you the clarity you need for a fulfilling life that allows you to truly support and also be supported by your loved ones.

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Handling anxiety and overwhelming stress

The truth is that sometimes life seems to throw everything at you all at once. Or it seems that others skate by with minimal struggle, while you are stuck in a constant cycle of overwhelm with no end in sight. You need therapy that provides you with practical tools you can use in your life and offers respite from the non-stop stress. This is exactly why I specialize in both CBT and DBT, two types of psychotherapy that are proven to help with anxiety and stress.

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Overcoming resentment, loneliness and burnout

Whether you are single, dealing with separation or divorce, or still committed to a long-term relationship, certain emotions can arise over time, bringing doubt. Such relationships may start to impact your sense of self-worth in a negative way. In psychotherapy we will identify the underlying causes for these emotions and how they influence your relationships, your goals, and most importantly, your motivation for living out your true purpose.

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.
— Vivian Greene

I would be honored to support you in your journey toward becoming joyful, confident, and an unapologetic version of your best self. Call or email me to schedule a free phone consultation and see if psychotherapy is a good fit for you.