Relief, if only you could feel relief from… Stress. Relationships. Busyness. Expectations. Taking care of others. Your past.

Anxiety feels like something you can never escape from.

Even on a “good day” it is there in the background, stealing your joy and hope. Anxiety makes it difficult to connect with others. You might be worried about sharing your true feelings and overwhelming others, being judged, or having your worries dismissed carelessly.

And even if you’re able to share with friends or family, they don’t always know how to help. That’s when psychotherapy can offer the support you need to address anxiety and learn the skills to overcome it.

Even if you don’t feel anxious at this moment, if you are drawn to reading about anxiety, then you probably crave relief from it.

Together we will explore the source of your anxiety. We’ll use cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), a well-researched and effective way to address anxiety.

Together we can explore and look at multiple angles of your experience, while also reviewing practical skills you can use to calm your anxiety throughout the day and in “real life” situations.

therapy for women social pressure

Social Pressure

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Childhood Wounds

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Relationship Issues

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Stress Management

My name is Melissa Millian Katz, and I’m a licensed clinical social worker who loves to work with women who are introspective, curious, and motivated.

Relief from stress and anxiety is possible. I’d love to talk with you about how psychotherapy can help.

Schedule a free phone consultation below so we can chat.

Everything that you have ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear.
— Jack Canfield