Finding a Westchester New York Therapist: Why Is It So Difficult?

Maybe you’ve finally decided it’s time to make a needed change in your life. Maybe you’re struggling, and you’re not sure what to do next. Or, perhaps you feel stuck and you want to talk to someone about it.


Regardless of your reasons for entering therapy, it’s a significant milestone to ask for help. Therapy isn’t an easy process, but most people find it incredibly rewarding and meaningful.


With that in mind, finding the right Westchester, New York therapist may feel daunting. Here are some obstacles you may expect and what you can do to overcome them.

Most New York Therapists Work In The City

Type new york therapists into any search engine, and you’ll be inundated with thousands of results. But when you start looking a bit closer at the location, you will notice that most of these clinicians work primarily in the city. Therefore, finding support in the suburbs can be a bit more challenging.


Therapy isn’t just about finding the right fit; convenience and accessibility are also essential to your decision. Most people prefer working with someone who lives close to their home or work.


Subsequently, you want to work with someone whose schedule and location align with yours. Driving an hour to your appointments each way may work for a few weeks, but it can become exhausting fairly quickly.

Each Therapist Has Different Specialities

Do you want help for depression? Grief support? Guidance for navigating a new career?


When looking for a therapist, you want to consider their background and expertise. In other words, how are they qualified to best help you? Have they worked with other clients struggling with the same issues?


As a potential client, you have every right to ask a therapist about their practice. Some good starting questions include:

●     How long have you been practicing?

●     What licenses or degrees do you hold?

●     What experience do you have in treating _____?

●     How often do you think we will meet for therapy?

●     What can I expect from my treatment?

●     What obstacles might I encounter?

●     Will you collaborate with my doctor, psychiatrist, etc. about my care?


You may be able to locate this information from a prospective therapist’s website. However, qualified therapists are happy to answer your questions. Before starting your work together, it’s important for you to feel confident that you are in good hands.

It Can Take Time to Find the Right Fit

Even if someone has the best credentials and has an office five minutes down the street, it doesn’t necessarily guarantee you will work well together.


Therapy can be so complex and intimate. Ideally, you’re sharing sensitive parts of yourself and processing intense feelings about your past, present, and future. The work can make you vulnerable, and you need to feel comfortable and safe with the person you share it with.


Just like with any other relationship, it’s important to trust your intuition. Keep in mind that it may take a few sessions for you to “feel it out.” Other indicators of a successful therapeutic relationship include:

●     Feeling like your therapist understands you.

●     Feeling appreciated, listened to, and validated.

●     Feeling appropriately challenged and confronted when necessary.

●     Having more optimism that things can get better.

●     Being able to talk about your experiences openly and honestly.

●     Having more self-esteem and confidence to make better choices for yourself.

●     Looking forward to your interactions together.

●     Clearly understanding the limits and scope of the professional relationship.

Sometimes Online Therapy Is The Better Choice

In recent years, online therapy has exploded in popularity. Online therapy works via videoconferencing. All you need is a secure location and a reliable Internet connection. You and your therapist will meet virtually for each session. 


Regardless of your location, many clients in Westchester, New York are turning online for professional support. There are numerous benefits to online therapy, such as:

●     Convenience: you don’t have to commute back and forth to the session.

●     Privacy: you don’t have to wait in a lobby with anyone else.

●     Comfort: some people prefer talking about intimate issues in their own space.

●     Accessibility: online therapy can be a fantastic option for people who may lack the transportation or resources needed for participating in face-to-face therapy.


Of course, online therapy isn’t for everyone. Many people prefer the dynamic energy and routine associated with face-to-face therapy. However, it’s an option worth considering as you begin your search.

Final Thoughts On Finding a Westchester New York Therapist

Finding the right therapist can be tricky, but it can be such a tremendous relief once you do. You deserve healing and happiness. You also deserve to feel supported on your journey towards wellness.


I am here for you. I am a Westchester, New York therapist specializing in working with women, young adults, and teens struggling with depression and anxiety. Together, we can explore the barriers affecting your well-being, and we will discuss healthier coping strategies for managing your distress.


Contact me today to schedule your free phone consultation.